Archived Data for Planning Operations & Safety

This course is designed to help you understand the benefits of creating an open and accessible data archive of your agency’s data.  It will also explain the challenges you might face in trying to make your agency’s data more open and available to others, and ways in which you can mitigate those challenges.  After showing you some real-world examples of how data can be leveraged for better decision making and analysis, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of building your very own archive, leveraging technologies that others have developed, or paying a consultant to help you with your archiving needs. (Available in Blended or Independent-study formats)

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Connected Vehicles 101

The connected vehicle research being sponsored by U.S. DOT is moving from research to reality. The connected vehicle concept leverages the potentially transformative capabilities of wireless technology to make surface transportation safer, smarter and greener. Connected vehicles will ultimately enhance the mobility and quality of life of all Americans, while helping to reduce the environmental impact of surface transportation. As we move towards implementation, we are developing a better understanding of how the connected vehicle infrastructure will be deployed and operated. A number of states have gained valuable experience in what it means to deploy connected vehicle application(s) in the field through their participation in ITS test beds. (Available in Blended or Independent-study formats)

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Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS)

Adverse weather is our common enemy in road maintenance, traffic, and emergency operations. Transportation agencies are well aware of the operational and logistical challenges of such weather. Many agencies are fighting this age-old battle by implementing Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS). This requires that critical personnel be well-informed of the impacts and considerations of deploying RWIS. The goal of this course is to, not only discuss RWIS initiatives and considerations, but through workshops, exercises, and self-assessments, explore individual state and local deployment challenges which will leave participants with an action plan tailored for their specific needs.

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